Make use of the details in this section to learn about all potential error situations when adding licenses.
An attempt to add an already-existing license fails with the following error:
license add --filepath /Users/SSAVLA/git/GoDCApp/XCO/licensing/scripts/lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM.lic CLI Failed. Error Message: license file /licenses/lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM.lic already exists Error: 409 Conflict
An attempt to add an expired license fails with the following error:
license add --filepath /Users/SSAVLA/git/GoDCApp/XCO/licensing/scripts/lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM.lic CLI Failed. Error Message: license already expired on <date> Error: 403 Forbidden
An attempt to add a damaged or tampered license fails with the following error:
license add --filepath /Users/SSAVLA/git/GoDCApp/XCO/licensing/scripts/lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM.lic CLI Failed. Error Message: license file cannot be parsed, <error> Error: 409 Conflict
An attempt to add a non-XCO license fails with the following error:
license add --filepath /Users/SSAVLA/git/GoDCApp/XCO/licensing/scripts/lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM.lic CLI Failed. Error Message: invalid – not an XCO license Error: 400 Bad Request